Christian Counseling Chicago

Create change in your relationship by inviting Jesus into the room

You are are looking for a therapist who understands your faith and can help you create change in your relationship

You can’t do this anymore. You keep struggling in your relationship and know that something needs to change. It’s not like you haven’t tried, you certainly have. You pray, journal, talk to friends, and get support in small groups, but nothing seems to shift. You feel blocked and recognize that you need help.

You are ready to take the courageous step of starting Christian counseling in Chicago. You have looked for therapists and although you have found some good ones, they don’t share your faith. You need someone who understands your faith values and the importance of your relationship with Jesus. Sharing your hurt is already vulnerable enough and you don’t want to spend time explaining yourself and your beliefs on top of that. 

I totally get it. As a therapist who has also been on your side of the couch, I can speak to how powerful therapy has felt when Jesus is invited into the room. When someone graciously helps you be more in tune with God’s presence in a way you can uniquely recognize. Where you can gain God’s perspective while going through your pain. 

Heal from relational pain through Christian based counseling in Chicago

My name is Lisaura, and as a clinical counselor and dance therapist who offers Christian-based counseling in Chicago, I help adults who want to create change in their relationships by inviting Jesus into their therapy process. With curiosity and gentleness, I can help you understand and heal from relational pain and ineffective communication. 

In a way that feels true to you, I can help you build on your relationship with Jesus as you navigate difficult emotions and overcome what’s keeping you stuck in unhelpful relational tendencies. Therapy with me will not feel “preachy,” I will not judge your Christian walk or tell you what to do. I’m honored to come alongside you as a collaborator and help you include Jesus in your wellness journey while taking practical steps toward change. 

Create change in your relationship and gain a heavenly perspective by inviting Jesus into the room!

My clients often say that their favorite part of therapy is when they tangibly experience Jesus, feel His presence, connect with hope, and gain a new perspective on their relationship. In sessions, this can be practiced through prayer, interactive exercises involving body awareness, and at times through journaling, worship songs, and movement. These experiential moments are invitations; you can decide what feels right for you. 

Some clients bring Scripture and songs to the session to help them connect with God and make sense of their relationship patterns. You can feel free to include them in your therapy process, and I may also make some suggestions when relevant.  

You will find that I will often encourage you to slow down and pay attention to what you are experiencing in your body as you share. Increasing the awareness of your mind and body can help you feel more present, less distracted, and become receptive to noticing your connection with God. Describing physical sensations can also help organize your emotions and thoughts and develop meaning about the new ways of relating you will discover.

Schedule a free consultation for Christian counseling in Chicago

If you are ready to heal from relational pain and ineffective communication, contact me! Schedule your FREE 15-minute consultation and discover how Christian counseling in Chicago can help you create change in your relationship by inviting Jesus into the room!

I am a Spanish-speaking therapist. Pregúntame por una consulta gratis.

  • Not at all! I offer Christian based counseling by request and meet with Christian and non-Christian clients regularly.

  • Great questions! As a believer in Jesus, I greatly value respect, honor, and creating belonging. I believe that as a human on this earth and God's image bearer, you are inherently valuable, and sharing in your wellness journey for a season is an opportunity I don’t take lightly.

    I am aware of my biases and hold them with open hands seeking support from trusted colleagues and friends and the wisdom of prayer. I hope to collaborate in getting you where you want to be. You are welcome in my office!

  • Yes! Spirituality can look different for each person and I understand that it goes beyond religious affiliations. I enjoy helping my clients feel more connected to what makes them come alive and gives them purpose. Aligning with your spirituality in sessions can help you navigate life challenges while practicing love, empathy, compassion, forgiveness, and self-acceptance.

I am a Spanish-speaking therapist. Pregúntame por una consulta gratis.